"Despite the fact that I've had a terribly stressful month, I can't seem to stop myself from doing things I oughtn't. Take the following example:

With my incredibly ridiculous bipolarism when it comes to cleanliness of a given room, I find that my house is now also in somewhat of bipolar state, wherein some rooms there is not a speck of dirt to be found, and some rooms (like the TV room) are covered in foodstuffs, dust, clothing and other assorted items. At times, I find it distressing, and then I realize I was kidding myself if I really thought that I would ever become something of a Mary Poppins. Man, it would be so cool to snap your fingers and have your clothes fly up into your arms, folded and ready to be put away.
In reality though, the past week, I've just been keeping myself as busy as possible. This has included: A total wipedown of the porch, following by a hosing of the porch and then a mopping of the porch; A rearranging of the pantry to accommodate another house's worth of food; Grocery shopping; Cleaning the kitchen; Sweeping up the basement whose previous state would have you believe that the floor was just bare dirt down there; Backwashing the fish pond, testing it for ammonia, pH level and salt, purchasing and adding bacteria to the pond; Putting away boxes and clothing; Putting away books which had traveled with me; And listening to more Top 40's music than could ever be considered healthy (side note: I'm intrigued by Puff Daddy/P.Diddy/Sean Puffy Combs/Puffy/Fluffy or whatever the hell he's calling himself now. The man says hardly a word in his own songs, has other singers back him up, and yet, he gets all the credit... if only I could adapt the same mechanism to my own uses)
Needless to say, I'm quite exhausted and find other rooms in a state of panicky mess. Where is Mary Poppins when you need her?"
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