But sometime around 9th grade, I derailed from my track of supreme goodness and wealth and suddenly became entirely lost. The thing was, I completely sucked at Bio Enriched and I will never, ever forgive Mrs. Koza for that lost year of High School Biology. And it seemed unlikely that I could become a doctor when my highschool GPA was lower than a limbo stick half an hour into the game.
It probably also didn't help that I found cellular biology to be terribly boring. And also that I detest small children. It would be hard to be a pediatrician when you hate small children. Why do I hate small children? I'll tell you why. They're sticky.
But we're getting off topic here.
I had thought that due to my close proximity to failure in high school biology, there was no living way I could be a biological scientist of any caliber. I lost all direction.
Well, honestly, when I got to college, things didn't change too much. I failed intro bio as well (ok, I didn't fail. I got a C, but that's pretty close, right?). Even so, I forged ahead and realized my true love had ambition had been staring me in the face for many years, in the form of my beloved fish pond. I adore algae. Just ask anyone who knows me in person. Rarely does a day go by when the topic of fish does NOT enter a conversation.
At college, our geek dances were supplemented by my "Eelgrass" and "Eutrophication" dance.
This summer, I interned at NOAA, studying microscopic fish larvae. Which was ok. Not terribly interesting. Personally, I'd prefer to be studying something I can see with my own two eyes. But the things I DID see!
Those of you who are familiar with fish identification (which is probably not really all that many of you), will know Michael Fahay as "The MAN of Fish Identification". I got to meet the man. Not only that, I got the opportunity to watch him ID fish. While blindfolded. The man counted myomeres! The man counted teeth!
Excuse me while I go swoon in a corner.
Anyhow, he was Friggin' AMAZING.
I believe the point of all this was to admit that I like fish. I mean, I really like fish. I visit aquariums. I visit pet stores just to look at the fish. I visit Koi Pond stores.
I have a Koi Pond myself. With 13 little fishies in it. 3 of whom are black, 1 which is all orange. I could go on, but I think you get the general idea. I really want another, but it's best to put a cap on these expensive habits. Do you have any idea how pricey a Japanese-bred Koi is?
So of course, it is fairly distressing when your fish attempts suicide. We saved him though. And he lives in peace and harmony with the other fish.

His name is Lemon Zest
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