The thing I loved most about being at college is that for reasons unknown, professors allow you to handle expensive equipment and don't automatically expect you to break it. Reason number two for my love of a life of academia is probably that you're allowed to study some pretty arcane things. I once knew a fellow who is said to have graduated from Hampshire with a major in Oregano of all things. Why oregano? I have no idea. I can't imagine that it was a particularly interesting course of study, but, power to you if you can make it work. 'Course, you're probably not going to be good for much once you graduate, but who among liberal arts students is? I know that I, for one, will be completely useless.
But the topic at hand today is the Scanning Electron Microscope which I took a 5-day class to learn and ever-after shall be able to use said Super-Expensive-Machine (or SEM for short). Aside from the fact that I generally felt that I had no idea what I was doing, I was having a blast. For those not in the know, the SEM is basically a megamicroscope which can see at higher magnifications because it uses electrons, not light to observe specimens.
Friggin' Awesome.
Anyway, I vowed to master this fine piece of mechanical wonderousness and use it for my own EEEEeeevil purposes.

And by evil, I mean looking at tiny, tiny, fish corpses.
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