This comic was drawn after I had returned home, once again to NJ. I finished this comic on the plane (tight quarters for a tablet, let me tell you). Some of you might recognize an old visual pun that has been done before. Oh, not by me. Snow falling in one big WHUMP has totally been done before, and much better by the guy who draws "Bone". I remember back when it was running in the Disney Adventure magazine. Ahhhh, comic love! So, yeah, it was still summer in Jersey (and HOT), but soon, it would be fall, and maybe I would take a quick jaunt up to Massachusetts for a romp in the snow when the season comes. Nothing better than a New England winter to lift one's spirits! Fall is still my favoritest season. Everything smells great in the fall.
P.S. I spent like 5 minutes making that stupid leaf stamp and it didn't even work out the way it was supposed to. GRAH Oh, and discuss!: Your favorite season and why!
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