Friday, January 29, 2010

Roommate Rumble

Click here to see the comic in full size.

So, a job in Connecticut must beget an apartment in Connecticut, right? 'Cause there's no way in hell I was going to drive to and from Jersey every night. Wasn't going to happen. So where does one who is broke, and relatively friendless find housing on the cheap?

Craigslist, of course! Except that the results of any given search on Craigslist varies greatly. I do not think the majority of people in the world are crazy, but I think it's safe to say that a solid percentage of the folks posting on Craigslist might just be certifiably insane. If they weren't insisting that I could only have a single visitor per month, then they had overzealous dogs, or were smokers, or just wanted too much money. And if none of these things applied, then it was in Bridgeport where there is apparently a magical zone where people will not rent to tiny white girls out of fear of what might happen to them. Curses!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Interview

Click here for full size

The interview process at this company is hardcore. They’ve been looking for someone to run executive support for MONTHS, but until someone can run the gamut of all 4 interviews successfully, every candidate thus far has been turned away.

But! My interview was so much easier (probably because I’m a consultant). I was in and out in a matter of minutes. And considering I’d driven all the way to Connecticut for it (and in rush-hour traffic no less, right through NYC), it was almost disappointingly simple. Not that I’m complaining. Employment is damn good. It’s just that I’d just spent two and a half hours in a car chanting my new mantra: “Truth! Honesty! Openness! Truth, Honesty, Openness!” which also happens to be the mantra at the company. Have you ever gone to an interview with the sole objective of telling the truth and being completely honest? It’s a hell of a mind game, let me tell you.