Saturday, December 6, 2008

I don't live on the street, It's an *Avenue*

Truth is, Berkeley is a lot like Northampton, MA, where I went to college. Except bigger. Lots bigger. Which means more of EVERYTHING. Also, everything is like 20x more intense.

No child has actually pointed out my depressingly bland wardrobe yet, but I figure it's only a matter of time. The kids here are snappy dressers, which is both intimidating and inspiring. Also, beards still freak me out, so this is one of the frightening situations I'm working on avoiding. If a hobo with that much facial hair approaches me, forget change, I'm throwing him a razor.

I'm proud of the quality of this comic. But don't expect this kind of quality every time... I had an abundance of leisure time today. The style is a little different too, and I think I like it.

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